Temporal Caching

Cached is a simple decorator that can be applied to any function to cache results. By default it uses the arguments as a key, but both the key and timeout can be customized.:

from django.db import models
from cachemagic.decorators import cached

def do_expensive_operation(thing, other):
    return [other(item) for item in MyModel.objects.where(a=thing)]

Using in model methods

In most cases you should use an object’s primary key as the cache key instead of serializing the entire object.:

from django.db import models
from cachemagic.decorators import cached

class Model(models.Model):
    field1 = IntegerField()
    field2 = TextField()

    @cached(key=lambda self: self.pk, timeout=180)
    def get_my_related_things(self):
        return [other(item) for item in self.related_things.select_related()]