
CacheMagic addresses the most common scenarios for caching and cache invalidation: temporal caching, instance caching, related objects caching, and thundering herd protection.

Temporal Caching

This is like memoizing an expensive operation. Usually something that doesn’t need to be super-fresh, and aggregates many objects - making invalidation difficult or impossible.:

def my_expensive_call(arg1, arg2):
    return do_other_things(arg1) * arg2

Instance Caching

This is the practice of caching individual model instances. CacheMagic provides a CacheController that you can attach to models to cause automatic caching and invalidations.

class Model(django.models.Model):
    cache = cachemagic.CacheController()
    field = django.models.TextField()

Model.objects.get(pk=27)    # hits the database
Model.cache.get(27)         # Tries cache first

Thundering Herd Protection

Any caching will be useless when a cache key expires and thousands of requests try to recompute the value at the same time. CacheMagic provides a cache backend for redis that prevents this problem by designating only one client to recompute the value while others simply read the existing cache value.

CACHES['default'] = {
    'BACKEND': 'cachemagic.cache.RedisHerdCache',
    'LOCATION': ':'.join([REDIS_HOST, str(REDIS_PORT), '0']),
    'OPTIONS': {